


  • Type: Array
  • Default: []

Specify the plugins.

The array item is the path to the plugin and can be an npm dependency, a relative path, or an absolute path. If it is a relative path, it will be resolved from the project root directory. such as:

export default {
  plugins: [
    // npm dependency
    // relative path
    // absolute path

If the plugin has parameters, it is configured as an array. The first item is the path and the second item is the parameter, similar to how the babel plugin is configured. such as:

export default {
  plugins: [
    // 有参数
        dva: true,
        antd: true,


  • Type: Array
  • Default: null

Configure routing.

Umi's routing is based on react-router, and the configuration is basically the same as react-router@4. Checkout Routing Configuration chapter for details.

export default {
  routes: [
      path: '/',
      component: '../layouts/index',
      routes: [
        { path: '/user', redirect: '/user/login' },
        { path: '/user/login', redirect: './user/login' },


  1. The component file is resolved from the src/pages directory.
  2. If routes is configured, then the configuration route will be used first, and the convension route will not take effect.


  • Type:Boolean
  • Default: false

For some reason, we hoist all redirect when parsing the route config, but this caused some problems, so add this configuration to disable redirect hoist.

export default {
  disableRedirectHoist: true,


  • Type: String | [String, Object]
  • Default: browser

Specify the history type, including browser, hash and memory.


export default {
  history: 'hash',


  • Type: String
  • Default: ./dist

Specifies the output path.


  • Type: String
  • Default: /

Specify the base of the react-router to be configured when deploying to a non-root directory.


  • Type: String
  • Default: /

Specifies the publicPath of the webpack, pointing to the path where the static resource file is located.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

Use the window.publicPath specified in the HTML when the value is true.

cssPublicPath 2.2.5+

  • Type: String
  • Default: same as publicPath

Specify an extra publicPath for CSS.


  • Type: String
  • Default: root

Specifies the mount point id which the react app will mount to.


  • Type: String
  • Default: uglifyjs
  • Options: uglifyjs|terserjs

Which minimizer to use. UglifyJS does not support es6 while terser does.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to enable the hash file suffix.

targets 2.1.0+

  • Type: Object
  • Default: { chrome: 49, firefox: 45, safari: 10, edge: 13, ios: 10 }

Configuring the minimum version of browsers you want to compatible with, umi will automatically introduce polyfill and transform grammar. Configuration items will be merged to default values, so there is no need to give any duplicate configuration.

e.g. Compatible with ie 11,

export default {
  targets: {
    ie: 11,


  • Type: Object
  • Default: {}

Configuring a global context will override the context in each page.


  • Type: Boolean | Object
  • Default: false

If set to true or Object, all routes are exported as static pages, otherwise only one index.html is output by default.

such as:

"exportStatic": {}


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

Enable the .html suffix.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

Deploy to any path.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

If set to true, enable the directory for singular mode.

  • src/layout/index.js
  • src/page
  • model (if umi-plugin-dva plugin is enabled)

mock.exclude 2.4.5+

  • Type: Array of String
  • Default: []

Exclude files that are not mock files in the mock directory.

e.g. exclue all files and directorys starts with _,

export default {
  mock: {
    exclude: ['mock/**/_*.js', 'mock/_*/**/*.js'],

block 2.7.0+

  • Type: Object
  • Default: { defaultGitUrl: "" }
export default {
  block: {
    defaultGitUrl: '',
    npmClient: 'cnpm',

ssr beta 2.8.0+

  • Type: Boolean | Object
  • Default: false

Configure whether to enable Server-Side Render, which is off by default.

When enabled, umi.server.js and ssr-client-mainifest.json files are also generated when the client static file is generated.

export default {
  ssr: {
    // not external library,
    externalWhitelist?: [];
    // webpack-node-externals config, exclude whiteList
    nodeExternalsOpts?: {};
    // client chunkMaps manifest, default: ssr-client-mainifest.json
    manifestFileName?: 'ssr-client-mainifest.json';
    // disable ssr external, build all modules in `umi.server.js`
    disableExternal?: false;
    // disable ssr external whiteList module
    // you can use this for `react-helmet`, `react-document-title`
    disableExternalWhiteList?: string[] | object;

ssr-client-mainifest.json is a resource mapping file by routing level, for example:

  "/": {
    "js": [
    "css": [
  "/news/:id": {
    "js": [
    "css": ["umi.baa67d11.css", "vendors.431f0bf4.chunk.css", "layouts__index.0ab34177.chunk.css"]

Use the following in Node.js:

// Return the rendered html fragment according to the ctx.req.url
 * @param {*}
 * ctx (server context, `serverRender` get current active route according to `ctx.req.url`)
 * @return html fragment string
async function UmiServerRender(ctx) {
  // mock a window object
  global.window = {};
  // require module
  const serverRender = require('./dist/umi.server');
  // export react-dom/server to avoid React hooks ssr error
  const { ReactDOMServer } = serverRender;

  const {
    // Current root container element
    // page template
    // match router path, like /user/:id
    // initial store data when you use dva
  } = await serverRender.default(ctx);

  // Render the element into html
  const ssrHtml = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(htmlElement);
  return ssrHtml;

Page Data Pre-Fetching:

// pages/news/$id.jsx
const News = props => {
  const { id, name, count } = props || {};

  return (

 * @param {*}
 * {
 *  route (current active route)
 *  location (history object with location, query, ...)
 *  store (need enable `dva: true`, return the Promise via `store.dispatch()` )
 *  isServer (whether run in Server)
 *  req (HTTP server Request object, only exist in Server)
 *  res (HTTP server Response object, only exist in Server)
 * }
News.getInitialProps = async ({ route, location, store, isServer, req, res }) => {
  const { id } = route.params;
  // ?locale=en-US => query: { locale: 'en-US' }
  const { query } = location;
  const data = [
      id: 0,
      name: 'zero',
      id: 1,
      name: 'hello',
      id: 2,
      name: 'world',
  return Promise.resolve(data[id] || data[0]);

in data pre-fetching, we can move the method of fetching data using the componentDidMount or React.useEffect lifecycles into getInitialProps.

using Pre-Rendering, umi-example-ssr-with-egg



Extend or modify the webpack configuration via the API of webpack-chain.

such as:

chainWebpack(config, { webpack }) {
  // Set alias
  config.resolve.alias.set('a', 'path/to/a');

  // Delete progress bar plugin


The configuration theme is actually equipped with the less variable. Support for both object and string types, the string needs to point to a file that returns the configuration. such as:

"theme": {
  "@primary-color": "#1DA57A"


"theme": "./theme-config.js"

treeShaking 2.4.0+

  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

Configure whether to enable treeShaking, which is off by default.


export default {
  treeShaking: true,

For example, after ant-design-pro opens tree-shaking, the size after gzip can be reduced by 10K.


Passed to the code via the webpack's DefinePlugin , the value is automatically handled by JSON.stringify. such as:

"define": {
  "process.env.TEST": 1,
  "USE_COMMA": 2,


Configure the externals property of webpack. such as:

// Configure react and react-dom do not enter the code
"externals": {
  "react": "window.React",
  "react-dom": "window.ReactDOM"


Configure the resolve.alias property of webpack.


Configure the devServer property of webpack.


Configure the devtool property of webpack.


Disable CSS Modules.


Disable SourceMap generation for CSS.


Define an additional babel preset list in the form of an array.


Define an additional babel plugin list in the form of an array.


Define a list of additional files that need to be babel converted, in the form of an array, and the array item is webpack#Condition.


Define additional PostCSS plugins in the format of an array.

Such as use the plugin postcss-px-to-viewport .

First install the plugin with npm install postcss-px-to-viewport --save-dev, then config the option extraPostCSSPlugins.

import pxToViewPort from 'postcss-px-to-viewport';

const config = {
  extraPostCSSPlugins: [
      viewportWidth: 375,
      viewportHeight: 667,
      unitPrecision: 5,
      viewportUnit: 'vw',
      selectorBlackList: [],
      minPixelValue: 1,
      mediaQuery: false,


The files in the specified project directory do not go css modules, the format is an array, and the items must be css or less files.


Enable generate .d.ts fils for css/less/sass file when use css modules with typescript.


Define a list of files that need to be copied simply. The format is an array. The format of the item refers to the configuration of copy-webpack-plugin.

such as:

"copy": [
    "from": "",
    "to": ""


Configure the proxy property of webpack-dev-server. If you want to proxy requests to other servers, you can do this:

"proxy": {
  "/api": {
    "target": "",
    "changeOrigin": true,
    "pathRewrite": { "^/api" : "" }

Then visit /api/users to access the data of


Configure options for node-sass. Note: The node-sass and sass-loader dependencies need to be installed in the project directory when using sass.


After configuration, asset-manifest.json will be generated and the option will be passed to such as:

"manifest": {
  "basePath": "/app/"


Ignore the locale file for moment to reduce the size.


Additional configuration items for less-loader.


Additional configuration items for css-loader.Configure the resolve.alias property of webpack.

autoprefixer 2.4.3+

Configuration for autoprefixer .

  • Type: Object
  • Default: { browsers: DEFAULT_BROWSERS, flexbox: 'no-2009' }

If you want to be compatible with older versions of iOS Safari's flexbox, try to configure flexbox: true.


Configuration for uglifyjs-webpack-plugin@2.x .

If the value is Object,it will be shallow merged.


export default {
  uglifyJSOptions: {
    parallel: false,

If you want to modify the deep configuration, you can use the Function style.


export default {
  uglifyJSOptions(opts) {
    opts.uglifyOptions.compress.warning = true;
    return opts;

browserslist deprecated

Configure browserslist to work with babel-preset-env and autoprefixer.


export default {
  browserslist: ['> 1%', 'last 2 versions'],